Forgive Our Parents?

Just found this on Instagram.


Parenting is even still hard now, in the time where almost everyone can easily find zillion references about ideal parenting and early education for free, on our own palm, anytime, anywhere.

Imagine how hard our parents must struggle to raise us back then, with little to zero proper knowledge and skill on how to be ideal parents, while also carrying their own emotional baggage and perhaps unresolved childhood trauma.

To whoever need this, may this little reminder can give a little insight, to be more emphatetic towards our parents, and could be little bit of a help to forgive our parents for flaws that they had or perhaps still have, while raising us til now.

It’s always sounds cliche when people said that nobody is perfect, but that’s just the truth. They’re not perfect, nor do we and everybody else.

People made mistakes, some can learn from it immediately, some others might need more time to learn and fix things, and the rest might never even realized it til decades later.

So let’s learn to stop blaming them for whatever misfortune and undesired things that had happened in our life along the way.

Embrace it and realize that it’s part of our own bespoked journey and struggle, our challenge and battle that can make us grow stronger.